

  1. 冰球突破豪华版。
  2. 冰球突破豪华版
  3. 智能恒温器


曾几何时, 房主不得不通过开窗或生火来调节室内温度. 幸运的是,1883年,一位教授厌倦了冰冷的教室. 他总是找负责调节炉内阻尼器的看门人. 这导致沃伦·约翰逊教授发明了第一台恒温器.

许多人低估了冰球突破豪华版恒温器正常工作的重要性. 智能恒温器安装确保系统效率,并为您的家庭提供舒适. The thermostat is the brain of the HVAC system and thus it cannot function without a thermostat.

如果您希望提高暖通冰球突破豪华版系统的效率和性能, 一个主要的方法是通过安装智能恒温器来升级“大脑”, 包括:

  • 可编程恒温器
  • wi - fi恒温器
  • 巢恒温器

我们的资格 拉斯维加斯承包商 是高科技智能恒温器安装专家吗, 修复, 和更换,可以提高暖通冰球突破豪华版系统的效率和性能. 请致电(702)518-4720了解有关智能恒温器安装的更多信息, 修复, 并在拉斯维加斯进行替换.


如果你的暖通冰球突破豪华版系统不能有效地工作, 在假设你有一个昂贵的暖通冰球突破豪华版问题之前, 你想检查一下恒温器. 恒温器控制你家的中央空气功能, 如果它不能正常工作, 它会导致暖通冰球突破豪华版系统运行更频繁,消耗更多的能源.

那么,当你的恒温器需要修理或更换时,你该如何发现呢? 以下是你需要修理恒温器的常见原因:

  • 加热或冷却不打开
  • 暖通冰球突破豪华版循环不断运行,不会关闭
  • 室温和设置不匹配
  • 恒温器没有电源或没有响应


  • 死去的电池
  • 灰尘和碎片
  • 错误的连接
  • 年老的时候
  • 变压器的问题

在使用了通常超过十年之后,可能是时候升级智能恒温器了. 如果你的恒温器有问题, our general contractors in 拉斯维加斯 will assist with troubleshooting your existing device or recommend options for a new smart thermostat installation or 修复.


(702) 518-4720

冰球突破豪华版提供智能恒温器安装, 恒温器维修, 并为居民和企业提供恒温器更换服务 拉斯维加斯, 北拉斯维加斯, 亨德森, 克拉克郡, 博尔德市, 春谷, 企业, 内尔尼斯空军基地, Summerlin, Pahrump社区.



Today homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to connect the comfort of their home to their lifestyles. 这包括能源智能家庭供暖和制冷的手段.

Smart thermostat installation helps homeowners and businesses save money on their utility bills while keeping the indoor environment at the preferred temperature.

具有升级的控制系统, 你可以确定你的冰球突破豪华版运行平稳高效.


当谈到所有的“智能”设备时,我们理解人们的怀疑. 毕竟, you can ask – what’s wrong with your current regular thermostat and why do I need a smart thermostat installation right?

而一般的恒温器并没有什么问题, it does lack several features that could help squeeze every bit of efficiency out of your system. 多亏了它的功能和自动化行为, 智能恒温器利用每一分钟的运行时间为您的优势.

The best advantage of a smart thermostat is that it is programmable – allowing you to choose temperatures for any time of the day. 一旦按照你的需要编程,你不需要做任何改变. 一个可编程, smart thermostat installation can give you the ability to monitor the temperature of your home. 恒温器甚至可以提醒你更换过滤器, 所以你不要忘记它, 延长冰球突破豪华版的使用寿命.

选择安装智能恒温器听起来可能是一项昂贵的投资, 但也有许多经济实惠的选择,也促进了能源节约. 向我们的技术人员询问在家中安装智能恒温器的好处.

有不同的高级控制选项可供房主和企业使用. Here are options for smart thermostats installation, replacement, and 修复 services in 拉斯维加斯:

  • 可编程恒温器: homes are vacant for many hours during the day when household members are working or at school. Programmable and smart thermostats allow you to turn the AC off when everyone is away and turn it back on before family members get back. This saves you energy costs, especially if your home is vacant during the hottest part of the day.
  • 分区控制系统: 家分区 divides your home into multiple climate control zones and adjusts the temperature in each room. 如果你家里的某些房间总是比其他房间冷或热, 你应该考虑系统分区,包括安装多个恒温器. These smart thermostats are connected to a control panel that monitors automated dampers inside the 管密封. Dampers open and close per thermostat settings so that the temperature is consistent throughout the home. You can even close dampers to specific rooms that are rarely used and open the dampers when needed. 单独控制温度可以节省能源.
  • wi - fi恒温器: your schedule may change unexpectedly, and a smart thermostat installation helps adjust accordingly. 通过移动设备远程控制Wi-Fi恒温器. Turn on the AC when you’re on your way home and your house will be comfortable by the time you arrive.




冰球突破豪华版 为不同类型的家庭提供多种智能恒温器选择. Our team of experts will answer all your questions and help select the right equipment for your home.

We take pride in offering cutting-edge technology in Wi-Fi programmable and other smart home thermostats. 今天打电话给我们: (702) 518-4720 安排智能恒温器的升级、更换、安装或维修.


可编程的数字恒温器是节能的,可以节省高达30%的水电费. 数字和智能恒温器明显比模拟恒温器更准确. 它们会让你的家或工作场所更舒适,降低你的电费.

数字和智能恒温器比模拟恒温器需要更多的投资, 但从长远来看, increased efficiency and saved energy bring you a worthwhile return on the investment of digital and smart thermostat installations.


高达50%的家庭能源消耗用于供暖和制冷. 通过上下调温控器来节省能源可能会很乏味, 所以如果你真的想让每个学位都有价值, 考虑升级你的恒温器型号. 一个可编程的恒温器是不错的,如果你坚持规律的生活,也不会太贵. 但如果你真的想要高科技,那么你就需要安装一个智能恒温器.

Smart thermostats sync with smartphones and 平板电脑s and you control them from anywhere and set heating and cooling schedules using a convenient interface.

wi - fi恒温器

恒温器是暖通冰球突破豪华版系统的大脑. To improve the efficiency and performance of the HVAC system means to upgrade the “brain” with a wi - fi恒温器 installation. Wi-Fi恒温器可以在以下几个方面发挥作用:

  • 改进节省: 研究表明,室外温度每下降一度,就相当于你成本的3%. So, every degree counts and that’s why you want to replace your slide or dial thermostat as soon as practical.
  • 减少对暖通冰球突破豪华版系统的磨损; 即使是可编程恒温器也可以在效率低下的时候保持运行. 暖通冰球突破豪华版系统的额外使用有助于其更快的磨损.
  • 持续提高舒适度: 当你信任恒温器为你设定加热和冷却, 你会发现它会让你更舒适.


Nest学习恒温器是您更智能的解决方案, 更节能的恒温器为您的拉斯维加斯家,既节省麻烦又省钱. Nest恒温器会学习你的习惯, and programs itself to keep warm when you are home and conserves energy with lower temperatures when you are away. 能源效率的提高大大节省了供暖和制冷费用.


  • Auto-schedule: 巢恒温器 learns how warm or cold you like to keep your house based on how you adjust it during the initial weeks. 然后,它会自动编程,并根据需要进行调整.
  • 远程控制: 你将Nest恒温器连接到Wi-Fi,就可以通过手机调节温度, 平板电脑, 或笔记本电脑.
  • 自动学习行为: 用了几周后, the thermostat will begin to understand your cooling and heating habits to anticipate your needs.
  • 国内/外模式: 当你不在时, Nest恒温器可以自动调低温度,避免空置房屋过热或过冷.
  • 早期: 巢恒温器 learns how long it takes your home to warm or cool and keeps track of the weather so it can maintain temperature how you like it.
  • 巢叶: 当你选择一个可以节省能源的温度时,Nest Leaf就会出现, 帮助您选择节能温度.
  • 安全温度警报: If your home gets dangerously hot or cold, your Nest sends you an alert on your phone or 平板电脑.
  • Efficiency-driven性能: 用提醒、通知和报告来跟踪你的效率目标. 智能恒温器会做出复杂的、经过计算的决定.

The nest thermostat works with most HVAC systems and learns from your behavior to save you money. A smart thermostat is a significant investment and you want to trust smart thermostat installation, 修复, 并由经验丰富的专业人员提供更换服务, 就像我们在拉斯维加斯的承包商一样.

研究表明,平均节省10%的取暖费和15%的水电费. 因此,在不到两年的时间里,Nest恒温器就能收回成本. And you can manage your new 巢恒温器 from your smartphone and remotely adjust the temperature.
