

  1. 冰球突破豪华版。
  2. 管道
  3. Garbage Disposal 更换 and 修复

拉斯维加斯 Garbage Disposal 安装, 修复, and 更换

When garbage disposal at your 拉斯维加斯 home breaks down and clogs the drains, Allstate Service 集团’s professional 拉斯维加斯承包商 will install, 修复 or replace your garbage disposal unit and save the day. 

Common Signs For Garbage Disposal Issues

There are a few indications that 垃圾处理维修, 安装, or replacement may be necessary:

  • Garbage disposal is louder than usual
  • 垃圾处理泄漏
  • Garbage disposal makes humming sound / seized

堵塞和有臭味的排水管是垃圾处理装置不能正常工作的常见迹象. 这里有一些需要注意的危险信号,以及如何最好地维护你的垃圾处理器的有用建议:

堵塞下水道 – the most common issue with garbage disposals. 当食物没有被刀片充分碾碎时,它可能会残留在排水管中. 这会导致堵塞和堵塞,从而导致排水问题和水槽的浓重气味. 下水道清洗 is needed to dislodge big clogs from the pipes.

了叶片 -当大块食物或其他物料落入垃圾处理机时, they jam the unit and prevent smooth rotation of blades. 油脂不能倒进下水道,因为它们会变硬,堵塞垃圾处理机. 另外, 你应该避免把某些纤维和粗糙的食物垃圾扔进垃圾处理机.

故障电机 -垃圾处理单元电机可能无法工作,导致整个单元故障. 你会注意到,叶片停止旋转,你不会听到电机运行的声音.

强烈的气味 – when food is jammed in the garbage disposal and does not go through the drain, strong odors will start to develop as the materials begin to decompose. 这是一个明显的迹象,表明您的垃圾处理可能没有在最佳水平上运行.

我们的技术车辆配备了垃圾处理装置所需的部件, 维修, and replacement so your problem will be solved on the first visit. So, If you are experiencing these problems, or others, 请致电 (702) 518-4720 我们会负责垃圾处理设备或其他管道设备.


(702) 518-4720
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 6pm

Allstate Service 集团 is your go-to place for garbage disposal 安装, 修复, 替换需要 拉斯维加斯, 北拉斯维加斯, 亨德森, 克拉克郡, 博尔德市, 春谷, 企业, 内尔尼斯空军基地, Summerlin, Pahrump社区.


Garbage Disposal 维护

We will fix your garbage disposal problem, 并就如何妥善保养垃圾处理设施,避免日后出现问题提供意见. 为了尽量减少堵塞的风险,请确保在垃圾处理打开时打开水. 请记住,垃圾处理装置的设计只是为了切碎某些类型的食物 

有些产品可能会给你的垃圾处理带来问题,比如: rice, pasta, grease, bones, eggshells, fruits, and vegetables with tough peels. All these things are rough on your unit and can cause clogs.

你可以做一些事情来帮助确保你的垃圾处理器一直处于最佳状态,并尽可能地持续下去. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Avoid disposing of grease, fats, meats, pasta, or other fibrous foods. 当垃圾处理机打开时,一定要有稳定的非热水流. 在任何情况下,你都不应该运行垃圾处理,当它看起来像一个部分已经松动. Avoid running garbage disposal for long periods of time.


Garbage Disposal Horsepower and Size

购买的垃圾处理机的大小基本上与家庭需要多少马力有关. Garbage disposal horsepower(hp) is how you measure the grinding strength. 

The higher the horsepower, the better garbage disposal will operate. This means fewer jams and better disposal of food waste. 反过来,这将保持排水管道的畅通,减少废水系统的压力.

Household Garbage Disposal Size

确定合适马力的一种方法是考虑家庭的规模. Here are some useful indications:

  • For a family of 1-2, you want to choose 1/3 hp or 1/2 hp garbage disposal
  • For a family of 3-5, you want to choose 1/2 hp or 3/4 hp garbage disposal 
  • For a family of 6-8, you want to choose 3/4 hp or 1 hp garbage disposal 


让我们从我们如何在厨房中使用垃圾处理器的角度来看看垃圾处理器的选择, if you do a lot of heavy grinding, then a 1 hp garbage disposal is likely your best choice. But for average size families, a 1/2hp or 3/4 hp will do the job just fine.


The starting point for garbage disposal motors is 1/3 horsepower. 如果你只磨软的食物, 比如蔬菜, 住在一室公寓, then a 1/3 hp may be a decent fit and the least expensive. You need to be careful of what is put into the grinding chamber. 


许多专业人士推荐1/2马力的垃圾处理器,而不是1/3马力的垃圾处理器,因为它通常构造更好,功率更大. 请记住,这仍然是低功率的垃圾处理,只适合轻使用. 比如1/3马力的处理装置, 由于尺寸较小,1/2 HP的处置器通常可以装入更紧凑的空间. They’re an excellent choice for vacation homes, condominiums, or apartments.

3/4 HP垃圾处理机

The 3/4 hp garbage disposal is often thought of as the workhorse among disposals. 它适合普通家庭使用,但强大到足以处理家庭晚餐残渣. It is likely the most common garbage disposal installed in single-family homes.

1 HP垃圾处理机

1马力的垃圾处理器不仅功率强大,而且是为大量使用的家庭设计的. They can even be effective for commercial use. 然而, just because your garbage disposal unit has a more powerful motor, you should still treat the unit with care.

How is 垃圾处理及维修 Done? 

重要的是要知道,试图自己修理或疏通垃圾处理器可能是危险的,并导致严重的伤害. 垃圾处理器有锋利的刀片,试图自己修理它们可能是危险的. If your garbage disposal has broken unit clogs or backs up drains, avoid reaching for the unit to remove the clog on your own. 

冰球突破豪华版 在冰球突破豪华版 and our professional plumbers will rush to service your garbage disposal. 我们的技术人员将检查您的垃圾处理装置,并建议安装是否更划算, replace or 修复 the garbage disposal.

最后, 我们的专业人员会建议最适合您家庭的垃圾处理机大小. Selecting the right-sized garbage disposal is an important decision. Garbage disposal too small for your household may lead to drain clogs and jams. 垃圾处理装置太大意味着你花了不必要的钱, 反之亦然.
